One must summon up the courage to want to find clarity in the first place and that by itself can be terrifying. Searching for clarity is easier than it sounds. However, it does depend on how we look at it. Unfortunately, some of the “clear” decisions we make are solely based on the people that influence us. I see so many people everyday making decisions that they think will get them “accepted” and “loved” in the culture that surrounds them. At the end of the day – maybe those people aren’t even happy. How can someone be truly happy if everything they are doing is a result of what people expect of them?


That’s the other thing – expectations. Not only do we have to deal with what others expect of us, but we add more pressure into our own expectations. It sounds exhausting just writing this all down! Let’s all just start step-by-step to throw those expectations out the window and figure out what makes us happy.


The key to finding clarity is being happy with what we are doing. In our relationships, academics, finances, etc. we need to be happy with what we are doing. Finding clarity is not an easy thing to do, but it is possible.Now, how can we search for this wonderful thing called, “Clarity”? Do we go into the ocean and find it? No! Do we stay inside our homes and veg on the couch until Anderson Cooper says something? No! Clarity does not come on a silver platter and spoon fed to you. The only way to find clarity is to search within yourself. Sure, your way of searching may be different – like going by the ocean to get a piece of mind or meditating or even going on a vacation.I noticed that whenever I get an idea about something really “out-there” I get scared and crawl back into my shell. I am happy that I am at least aware of this characteristic and trying to work on it. I also know a lot of people experiencing the same thing. When we get a big idea we should not squash it.Think of it like this: If a little kid comes up to you and says he/she wants to be an astronaut it is insensitive to say, “Stop it kid, it’s never going to happen.” The kind thing to do would be to say, “You can do it!” We need to treat ourselves and our ideas with kindness. We need to give ourselves a chance and love who we are and what we are and what we can become. Love yourself, love your ideas, and be your own inspiration!


Big rewards take big risks. To get that reward in whatever we want we have to take big risks. It could mean leaving your job for something more fulfilling or even getting married to the love of your life. It could mean anything! Imagine how rewarding it is to accomplish what you thought was impossible. I know something that helps me is a vision board. It is something I used to do when I was in high school and I most recently started it up again. I cut out parts of magazines and even pictures on Pinterest that are relevant to my goals (Psychology, journalism, media, & pop culture) and I pin it to a corkboard. Seeing this board everyday reminds me of my dreams and to just never ever give up.


In our search for clarity the most important thing is to trust our instincts. Everything you need to find clarity is within you. Our instincts guide us into what is the truest part of who we are. Just like in the animal kingdom it warns us against dangerous people and can show us where our passionate sparks lie. We can get our clarity from trusting our guts and doing what we know we are meant to do.If trusting your gut is not enough, something that is helpful is to remember the feeling of doing something you love. Just like when you ask your newly married friend, “How do you know he is THE ONE?” and she replies with that annoying and unclear answer of, “I just knew. I felt it.” It may be unclear to us who are asking the question, but to her it is crystal clear. She has a feeling. She Knows. We all have a feeling (an instinct) of what leads us to clarity. We should really jump on it before it gets clouded by what others say.